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to 12:00 PM
It's time for Foothills Southern Baptist Church annual Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale! Saturday, November 12th from 8 AM - 12 PM. If you are a local crafter or vendor looking to sell your goods for the holidays, give Foothills Southern Baptist Church a call and set up a booth! Indoor booth fees range from $15 with a table and 2 chairs or $20 with an electrical hookup. All booth fee proceeds help the Children's Ministries! This year the Bazaar will also have an Indoor Yard Sale during the event. All Bake Sale & Yard Sale donations will be supporting Children's Ministries. So, bring the family and shop for local, unique, and tasty gifts! For more information or to rent a booth please call Foothills Southern Baptist Church office at 928-342-3557.