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City hiring lifeguards for aquatics seasonEvents

The City of Yuma is hiring lifeguards for the summer season. 

For those needing certification, the City offers the Life Guarding Today course.
The next round of classes starts on Friday, March 28.

Successful applicants who complete the aquatic season will receive bonuses,
and those who obtain the required certification are eligible for training reimbursement.

To register for a training session or apply to become a lifeguard,
visit and click on “Lifeguards Wanted,” or call 928-373-5200.

Candidates with Red Cross lifeguard certification may receive a signing bonus; additionally, the City offers prospective new lifeguards a fee reimbursement for completing the lifeguard training course.
To receive the bonus and reimbursement, applicants must work at a City pool from late May through early August.

Working as a City lifeguard has serious responsibilities, but also offers side benefits such as the opportunity to make new friends, a fun working environment, and the chance to develop skills such as teamwork, customer service, self-confidence, and leadership.