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9:00 AM
to 12:00 PM
to 12:00 PM
1st Annual Yuma P8 Celebrate Recovery RallyEvents
Saturday October 15th
Hope Center Church
770 W. 7th St
Yuma, AZ 85364
With the Broken chains Ride to follow.
Hope Center Church
770 W. 7th St
Yuma, AZ 85364
With the Broken chains Ride to follow.
The "P8" (Principle 8) rally is designed to encourage current participants and allow others from the community who may want to learn more about Celebrate Recovery. Additionally, their goal is to reach out to local pastors who may want to consider starting a CR ministry in their churches.
Everyone in Yuma is welcome there will be fellowship, fun, food, worship, testimonies, CR Updates and the Broke Chains Ride to follow.
For more information contact Wes at 619-632-7855