KCFY Announcements

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Going Gold Challenge

88.1 KCFY is challenging Yuma County to GO GOLD during the month of September for Childhood Cancer Awareness in honor of all of Yuma County's Little Warriors who have or are currently battling cancer. By accepting the Challenge to "GO GOLD" for the month of September your business, school, organization, church, or family commits to help raise awareness about childhood cancer, pray for a cure, and honor those amazing warriors who have or are currently fighting to beat cancer! You can also challenge others to do the same! We will announce on air and social media that you have accepted the challenge and who you challenge to Go Gold!

On September 30, 2022 we will wrap up the month with Pajama Day Yuma County.  All participants are asked to wear PJ's to school, work, and all around Yuma to help raise awareness of childhood cancer and honor children from the Yuma County and around the world who have or are battling childhood cancer and spent countless number of days in their PJ's while undergoing treatment. 

If you would like to participate please complete the google form and a team member will follow up with you:

Sign Up Going Gold Challenge Yuma County 2022

When posting on social media please use the following hashtags: #PrayForACure #ChildhoodCancerAwarenss #GoGold #PJDayYumaCounty