KCFY Announcements
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WHAT: KCFY 108 Hole Golf Marathon
WHEN: Friday, May 16th at 7:00am-5:00pm
WHERE: Coyote Wash Golf Course, Wellton, AZ
COST: FREE for YOU! Just raise a minimum of $1,000 to play.
HOW: We play 3 rounds of golf, 2 balls at a time
WHAT ELSE: We provide hot breakfast, sack lunch and sit-down dinner, prizes and awards, golf cart and one amazing day of incredible golf! You'll have 6 attempts on every hole, and you keep the best score on each hole!
GOLF PRIZES: 1ST PLACE $300 Gift Card, 2ND PLACE $200 Gift Card, 3RD PLACE $100 Gift Card
FUNDRAISING PRIZES: Raise $3000, get $500 Gift Card, Raise $4500, get $750 Gift Card, Raise $6000+, get $1000 Gift Card.
ADDITIONAL PRIZES FOR: Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Most OB's, Highest Score on a Hole
WANT TO PLAY?: Call Greg Myers at 928-341-9730